Saturday, June 11, 2022

KGMLF held in Pyeongchang, Korea (November 2021)

I was invited to participate in the biannual event of the Korean Global Mision Leaders Forum, this time held in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do Province. The primary purpose of this forum is to deal with important topics on mission relevant to the Korean context. The participants include prominent authors and mission leaders from overseas, including Dr. Jonathan Bonk and Dr. Jennings. Its topic for this forum was "Missions and Money." I was asked toad and respond to a case study presented by a Kenyan scholar on the self-sustainability of a Christian alliance including several denominations and hundreds of churches in Kenya. 

All participants, including the on-line participants, were assigned to small groups for more in-depth discussion. I was assigned to an English-speaking group due mainly to the online participants. Dr. Jennings led our group.

Dr. Jonathan Bonk was participating from the states online, and apparently, he was living his life according to the Korean time, not missing any discussion. His passion was impressive and inspirational.

A professor at Goshin University was in my group and we had a good fellowship. Also, I met with several other participants who are all serving the Lord by serving the least, the lost, the lonely, and the hungry. It was an honor for me to be able to spend time and fellowship with them.

Pyeongchang was the place where the Winter Olympics 2018 took place. We could spot several landmarks that exhibited the images of the Olympics.

These were the books and materials used at the Forum.

The Ppaero-day is a festive celebration that Korean observe on November 11, which took place during our forum. November 11 shows four "1"s and they eat a 1-looking cookies like this. It is funny, but they enjoying celebrating a lot of these events.

One day, we went out for lunch and had a chance to walk up to a nearby temple. The fall was deep with changing colors of the leaves.

Prior to heading to Pyeongchang, I stayed overnight at Bong Rae Lee's house in Ilsan. He is the CEO of Hesed Holdings, a Kingdom investment firm, and my Co-CEO at SfK Korea. He is a wonderful man of God to partner with in serving the Lord. I could sense the fall season walking around his house.

Also, I had a lunch meeting with Sam Cho, InterServ Korea CEO, and Hyun Namgong, Cconma Korea CEO. Both Sam Cho and Hyun Namgoong are men of God serving Him with strong commitment to BAM. Our fellowship was truly joyful and mutually encouraging.

It is truly a blessing to have like-minded people wherever you go in serving the Lord. I am blessed. - Jeffrey

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