Monday, June 13, 2022

Family Gathering in Dallas, TX (November 2021)

 While I was staying in Korea, my family had a gathering in Dallas, TX where my older daughter Amanda's family lives Amanda, Ray, Eli, and another one was on the way. Here is Amanda's family:


When Eli was one year old, Kristin was in Dallas to celebrate his first birthday. The costume he is wearing in the photo below was one that my mom and I bought and sent over to be worn on his first birthday. In Korea, the first birthday, called Dol, is celebrated as a big event.

For the family gathering, our younger daughter Joyce and her husband also flew in from San Francisco to join the gathering. It was the first time for them to meet after Joyce got married in September.

This was the family photo of Amanda and Ray's, without me.

While I miss the gathering, wishing I were there also by watching airplaces at a cafe.

Oh well... Life is not always fair. I have got to do what I must do: stay in Korea waiting for the approval for my application to restore my Korean nationality- Jeffrey

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