Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Killing Field and Foods (August 2022)

Cambodia saw a genocide in which a group of militias, the Khmer Rouge led by the Communist Party, killed 1.5-2 million people between 1975-1979, nearly 25% of Cambodia's entire population. The Killing Field was where most people were massacred and buried. It was a solemn time of reflecting human cruelty.

Well... Cambodian foods may not pair well with the Killing Field, but we tried a variety of Cambodian foods. They were tasty and we enjoyed them. I cannot show all photos but here are some:

I have traveled to Cambodia several times so there was nothing new and spectacular. But, each time I visit Cambodia, I pray that the Lord will be gracious to people in Cambodia, a Buddhist nation, so that they may find life in Christ. - Jeffrey

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