Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Hesed's Partners (August 2022)

In addition to Hesed companies, we also visited a few partners of Hesed. 

One of them was Fantasia Chicken. It was started and is being operated by a Korean missionary. They hire and serve only deaf people. Within a building, there are more than 30 people living together as a community. Surprisingly, we found out that the owner is a grandson of Rev. Yang Won Sohn who is known to be the "Atomic Bomb of Love." During  Korean War, North Korea's communists killed two of Rev. Sohn's sons. Rev. Sohn not only forgave the two killers but also adopted them as his sons. It was a moving and amazing story. His grandson is now serving the deaf people.

Another missional business we visited was Goel Community. It was started by a Korean missionary Hahn and he is now serving as Advisor to the Cambodian leadership. They make eco-friendly fabrics and garments, and sells them overseas as well as domestically.

We also visited the "Dump Site Community" where a combination of missionaries serve people who live in and on the dump site for Phnom Penh. Since I visited them last time when the dump site was first established, the dump mount has risen tremendously. They run a school for kids, a small farm, and a Taekwon-do school. SfK provided eggs for the little kids in cooperation with One Egg Project of the U.S. We were touched by the joyful service attitude of a Singporean director who is married to a Korean lady. Together we prayed for God's help for their ministry.

It was encouraging to know and see godly people who are obedient to God's calling in serving the least of the Lord's brethren. - Jeffrey

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