Friday, July 26, 2024

Seeing Friends, Seoul, Korea (May-July 2024)

The joy of seeing people is not limited to ministry friends. I saw other friends just for the sake of seeing them for joy. The group of friends in the picture above is part of six high school friends. One was in Busan and the other was in Calgary Canada. Usually, four of us get together whenever I visit Korea. 

I had a quick and short meet-up with Chairman Hong who was returning to the states on the same day. I have known him and maintained our friendship since I was working in New York in 2004.

A pleasant reunion was with three seniors who served in Rwanda in different capacities. Dr. Choi, Elder Shin, and Mr. Sangan Lee. It has been almost 12 years since we saw each other last time. Dr. Choi was struggling with cancer, so our gathering was more joyous. 

I met up with Mr. Noh, who lived in Rwanda for several years. Kristin and his wife were good friends. We used to play golf together also. It was a pleasant memory.

Jun Kim was my colleague when we worked for Premier Bank in Colorado. He is now running a business he has inherited from his late father in Korea. 

I also met twice with two other high school friends. But, I forgot to take photos. One of them, Changho, was my church friend from elementary school time. So more than 60 years...? Wow... Good friends. Pure joy. 

I also met up with college friends, but I have written another blog post. Also, I gathered together with my Agape Club friends, for which I wrote another post. 

I am richly blessed with many friends - Jeffrey

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