Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kingdom Fellows in California (May 2024)


On the way to Korea, I made a stop in Southern California as usual. The primary purpose of the stop was to attend the SfK Life in-person board meeting. Three of our six-member board members live in Southern California, thus making this place the natural venue. We discussed in depth some important issues. Bonnie could not join us for the meeting due to her travel schedule, but she was able to join us for the dinner. Samuel was excused for his 70th birthday celebration with his daughters.

However, I also met up with Kingdom Fellows and friends to catch up on various issues. Gary and Cindy Moon served in Thailand. Having officially retired, they still go there to wrap up some unfinished ministry. We lived closely to each other when we called Chiang Mai Thailand our home. Also, we traveled to Hwang Shan in China together and joined together a China group tour.

In and Julie Kim are long-time church friends dating back to the OMC. They attended SfK Boot Camp Training in Irvine. 

One of Kristin's three brothers is living in Southern California. Kwang Ku is the second one who came to Korea to join us for our wedding ceremony back in 1983.

Grace and Dan Kim have three children. Two of them joined us for dinner. Grace is serving SfK as Editor of English Newsletter. I am so grateful for her faithful service. It was a great joy to see their growing children. I have known Grace since her high school year at the KCPC in Denver.

Alyse Kwon and Jamie were part of SfK's Shop4Impact project team. Although the project was called off, our friendship remains strong. 

Jinsu Kim is Kristin's cousin. He is a bank executive and we arranged for them to meet and to get married. Jinsu is serving as Chief Lending Officer at SfK Network. 

I also met up with Dong Hoon Choi who took part in SfK BMT and is now one of the lecturers at MB Academy. He is now focusing on a new project using e-commerce model. I wish him the best.

My short schedule was packed with meetings with these people. Every time I see them, I am deeply grateful to God who has led us to be connected and to remain connected. - Jeffrey

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