Friday, July 26, 2024

Jungwon Community, Incheon, Korea (May - July 2024)

On my trip to Korea this time, God led me to meet a special group of people: the Jungwon Community. A pastor couple started this community with several young adults approximately 10 years ago. This community has now grown into a group of 30 people including 11 children. They now run a few businesses together, including non-member workers.

What surprised me most was the fact that all members put all their earnings into the pool regardless of how much they make and the community meets all the needs of the members. It was just like the early Jerusalem Church as depicted in Acts chapter 2. 

There are many Christian communities in Korea as well as in other countries. Most of them are based in rural areas focusing on agricultural farming. However, the Jungwon Community was pursuing an urban open community. Members are free to leave if they wish to. 

We first met while we were holding a brainstorming session for SfK ITAM. 

I also spent a day reviewing their financial management practices and making some suggestions. Also, I felt strongly that the combination of this community's young people and SfK Korea would produce synergy for the Kingdom, so I invited SfK Korea leadership to meet the Jungwon Community leadership. We also visited some of the business sites, collecting and delivering all sizes of cargo and packages.  

Since their financial statements show a negative net worth, and an outright merger was not possible according to Korean regulations, we have decided to explore other possibilities of working and serving together. Three key leaders will take part in SfK BMT 2024 from August 10. May the Lord lead us in a mutually edifying way! - Jeffrey

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