Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kingdom Fellows, Atlanta, GA (May 2024)


Synergy for the Kingdom (SfK) is a network of people and enterprises. So they are all over. Among all the places, Atlanta Georgia is the birthplace of SfK because SfK Life is a Georgia non-profit and its global headquarter is also in Georgia.

There are three Kingdom Fellows who are faithfully serving with SfK. One as a member of the board, another as Director of Finance, and the other as Director of Underwriting. They are Samuel Kim, Andy Sok, and Koomin Chung, respectively. My gratitude for their services is special. Samuel hosted a dinner for us to meet after we played a round of golf for the first time together. It was a joyous gathering.

On the way to Atlanta, I made a stop at a rest spot and the lake view through pine trees was beautiful.

Lord, thank you for the friendship and services of these Kingdom Fellows! - Jeffrey

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