Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Camino de Santiago Portuguese Day 4 (September 2024)


Our fourth-day schedule was to walk approximately 22 km to Vila Praia de Ancora. We walked mainly along the beach, but we also passed through shared roads at times.

We started each day with a photo shot that signifies the beginning of the day, always cheerful. Jay Yoon was feeling better than yesterday with his blister, a good sign.

We were more grateful for walking on the flat land than in the first two days after we struggled quite a bit when we went through the hills and mountains.

When we walked on a beach because the boardwalk was broken, the wind was so strong that it reminded us of the extremely strong wind we experienced in Patagonia. 

For lunch, we found a nice restaurant with a panoramic ocean view. The food was delicious and we thoroughly enjoyed the lunch time.

Today's walk was a bit long but not so hard. It was a good break after a tough day the previous day.

As we were getting close to our lodging, I had a potentially dangerous situation. A wasp, commonly called as yellow jacket in North America, flew into my eyeglasses. Fortunately, I took off my eyeglasses quickly and it flew away. It could have given me severe pain had it stung my eyes. Whew...

We stayed at a 4-star hotel with a river view and the half-board dinner was excellent even with a half bottle of wine. We were able to relax and enjoy the time of rest.

Jay Yoon and I exchanged a lot of life stories. In fact, Jay Yoon is now one of the very few people who know a lot about my past life. It was a pleasant day. - Jeffrey

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