Thursday, May 27, 2010

Woonlim Sanbang...(May 2010)

Huh Ryun was also called Sochi. This name, Sochi, was given by his master/teacher Choosa Kim Junghee. Choosa was one of the most famous caligrapher and painter in the Korean history. Choosa was comparing him to Daechi of China who was renowned as a painter at that time. It was a great honor for Sochi. He was one of the King's painters working at the King's palace.
After Choosa died, Sochi came down to his home town at Jindo Island and established Woolim-gak (Woolim means Cloud and Woods literally. Woolim Sanbang means Clouds and Woods and Mountain Place.) He painted, wrote and enjoyed the beauty of the nature. He showed great talents in three areas: painting, poem and caligraphy. I could see his great talent by looking at some of his work at the Exhibition Center.
Huh Ryun's artistic talent did not stop with himself. His DNA continued with his son Huh Hyung (Midang) and Midang's two sons Huh Geon (Namnong) and Huh Rim (Rimin). Noteworthy is Namnong Huh Geon. Sochi's Woolim-gak was sold by one of his grand children for mony, but Namnong bought the property back and restored the buildings as shown in the painting. Then he has donated it all to the government. Now it is one of the national treasures. Namnong made great efforts to teaching and built a memorial center, called Namnong Memorial Center, and donated it to the Mokpo City.
Huh Ryun's heritage continued beyond third generations. Huh Rim artistic greatness was short-lived because he died at 27, but before he died his paintings gained a lot of recognition from Korea as well as Japan. Huh Rim's son Huh In carried on the family's articstic DNA under Namnong's teaching. Now Huh Rim's two sons are continuing with painting.
All in all, Huh Ryun's artistic talent is flowing into five generations, probably very rare even from the world's point of view. Great achievement and great art work. I felt awesome at the talent, dedication, great work. - Jeffrey

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