Saturday, December 26, 2020

Trip to Atlanta, GA (December 2020)

While we stay in Dallas, TX, Kristin and I took a short trip to Atlanta, GA in December. The purpose of our trip was not to miss the interview appointment scheduled with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services or USCIS for the biometrics to be done before they reissue our Naturalization Certificates. It took us six months or so to receive this appointment and we did not know how long we would have to wait for the next appointment.

This trip did not set us back in money because we used the Delta mileage for the air transportation, Chase points for the rental car, and Marriott points for the lodging. They came in handy.

I went there on Dec 15 and returned to Dallas on Dec 19, while Kristin left Dallas on Dec 16 and returned the following day right after the appointment.

Although short, I had a few important gatherings with Kingdom Fellows and friends.

I had dinner with Elder Samuel Kim, Koomin Chung and Andy Sok, SfK's precious Kingdom Fellows. They are my "go-to" fellows when I need help. How wonderful God is to give us an opportunity to serve together.

Elder Samuel Kim and his wife met up again with me and Kristin over dinner when Kristin arrived. We worshipped and fellowshipping together at KCPC in Denver. How joyous it was to get together with them.

Also, the Lord prepared another surprise blessing. I was supposed to get together with Koo over dinner, and Inseon Song joined us unexpectedly because her arrival in Atlanta was delayed from where she lives now, Charleston, S. Carolina. It was a reunion after 12 years. But, what was God's providence was that she was eager to serve God more intimately and she happens to be in marketing foods in the U.S. 

After a short explanation for SfK's vision, mission and core values, she readily accepted my invitation to serve through SfK and has become a Kingdom Fellow. Wow! She willingly accepted the responsibility to promote the agricultural products through offline distribution channels. I sent her some information and I am waiting to hear back from her to discuss the next steps. I do not know what the Lord has in store, but I am so grateful for this opportunity to work and serve with her. Praise the Lord! - Jeffrey

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