Monday, July 8, 2019

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (April 2019)

I visited Kuala Lumpur for 5 days in April. The primary purpose was to conduct training on BAM for newly admitted missionaries for GP. There were some skeptics but they seem to have now accepted the BAM concept.

On Sunday when I arrived, I was able to attend an international church that is growing rapidly. It was primarily for young people. But the worship opportunity is always joyous.

More than anything else, the head of the training institute and the vice head seem to see the value of serving together with SfK. We will see what the Lord has in store.

We also visited Earth Heir and spent time with Sashi and Xiao Cheng. They are lovely ladies with passion for God and compassion for the people in need.

I spent some time to meet friends who are serving in Malaysia. Mr. and Mrs. Um have been running a cafeteria, but are now in the process of closing it because the rent has gone up far too much. They may be connected to SfK Ministries indirectly.

Kuala Lumpur is becoming closer to me through frequent visits. - Jeffrey

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