Friday, July 26, 2019

Arusha, Tanzania (July 2019)

I made a trip to Arusha, Tanzania primarily to lead the SfK MBA Boot Camp Training, hosted by SfK Tanzania, led by SS and his wife Young Soon. It was meant to train the trainers who can lead the Tanzania's own training program. I hosted a dinner for the couple at Kimemu, an expat-managed cafe restaurant.

After the first week, the number of participants dropped quite a bit, but we finished the training till the end with five participants receiving the certificates of completion. Two teams presented their team business plans. Paul led Team A and presented its business plan about Divine System Solutions, a music systems rental company. Glen led Team B and presented his own business plan for Glen Farm Shop.

I took time to visit Glen and Ivy's farm and their retail store. They were serious about the business with sincere attitude. With some modification to the business model, the project might work. We will see how it develops. SS and his wife Young Soon were also interested in their project.

The training took place at the Mianzi Retreat Center and I stayed there. This retreat center is located within WiThee Center that also houses Arusha Korean Church and SfK Tanzania.

SfK Tanzania is carrying out One Egg Project as a pilot, but I could not find time to visit the places.

Soon after I arrived in Arusha, I was asked to share the Word of God at Arusha Vineyard Church. I was familiar to this church since I gave a lecture about BAM a year earlier.

The Vineyard Church is shepherded by David Owens who used to be bi-vocal with a full time job of flight attendant in addition to leading a church. Now he is shepherding a church full time. I had a get together with Pastor David and SS to help out in designing a one-week curriculum for students who attend the Vineyard Certificate Program. We took a photo with Hyup Lee and Jiyoung Rhee couple at Arusha Vineyard Church.

Also, I shared the Word of God at Arusha Korean Church. The number of church members is small, but it now has a full time pastor who arrived at Arusha only a month earlier.

I once followed SS Kim to a traditional open market. Colorful fruits and vegetables made my heart warm.

David Taeyoung Kim is a son of SS Kim, SfK Tanzania CEO and his wife Young Soon. He came to visit Arusha right before I left for Kigali, Rwanda. We had a time of fellowship with his parents. He is working in Africa representing Enuma, an education software application company. Enuma won the first prize in a worldwide education project contest sponsored by Tesla. It is a great achievement. I pray that he will learn a lot before he considers another career move.

My visit to Arusha for two weeks turned out to be a sequel to the previous three visits: the first visit to assess E3Empower three years ago, SS and Youngsoon's visit to Kigali to attend the BCT two years ago and my second visit to Arusha to lead a seminar and to give a lecture at Arusha Vineyard a year ago. I wonder what the Lord has in store now. We will see. - Jeffrey

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