Wednesday, June 9, 2021

BAM Congress 2021 (April 28-30)

The previous BAM Congress was held in 2013. The next one was supposed to take place last year in 2020. As we all know, however, the COVID-19 made it impossible to do so. It was postponed to 2021. But, the face-to-face gathering could not happen, either.

So, the BAM Congress 2021 took place online from April 28-30.

This year's BAM Congress was a big success. Some numbers evidence it.

  1. The number of countries represented: 75
  2. The number of participants: 800 +
  3. The number of speakers and presenters: 130
BAM Movement has become truly from everywhere to everywhere. It is not from the west to the rest.

SfK was one of the sponsors. I was on the investment panel. Also, I was on a fireside chat to talk about the achievements and challenges looking forward to the future along with Mats Tunehag of BAM Global, Craig of IBEX, and Courtney of Sinapis. 

Now so many people celebrated what God has done in the BAM ecosystem, are now more connected with each other, and are trying to start more initiatives creatively. May God continue holding our hands in this journey! - Jeffrey 

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