Thursday, June 18, 2020

3 Months Since We Returned Home (June 18, 2020)

Updates on COVID-19
Worldwide, the COVID-19 is still spreading strongly. Brazil, India and Russia are showing significant increases in new cases. The USA seems to have flattened the curve, but in conjunction with the premature reopening of the economy, the number of cases has surged again. But, the rate of death has slowed quite a bit. Here are some of the statistics as of June 17th.

In Thailand, the COVID-19 cases have been pretty quiet and businesses reopened. But the foreigners are still banned from entering the country through June 30. We still do not know what will happen in July.

SfK Ministries
The ministry must go on despite the COVID-19. I have held a lot of conference calls. We published the monthly newsletter in English and Korean.

We are preparing to launch the On-line Business Management Training. We have sent out an invitation to a selective group of people to introduce the program and to collect their feedback. We will hold two virtual meetings, one for Korean and the other for English.

I have started to hold virtual meetings with SBS group members, starting with SBS Seoul. Their zeal was so strong that we had another call a week later. We have had the calls with SBS Chiang Mai and Los Angeles, and plan to hold SBS Heart to Heart and SBS Rwanda.

One of SfK Kingdom Fellows got married in Korea. I made a video with congratulatory blessings.

One of SfK MB Community members has been leading a movement to save a Christian hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. It used to be a prominent teaching hospital with 216 beds, but has been deteriorating over the past two decades. I have been getting some help from the U.S. to help him out with this endeavor.

Newly installed sign board

Chiang Mai Life
When we returned home on March 18, the air quality was pretty bad with the pollution index over 300 some days. After the rainy season started, the air quality has improved significantly. This morning, it was only 16. Superb!

Kristin has continued cooking delicious and healthy home meals. It has been a great blessing to stay home for the past three months. These are a few samples.

Once in a while, we ordered some Korean foods to be delivered. In general, our experiences have been so so. 

We know a couple from South Africa, Ken and Myrna, who are attending the same church and living close by. We were invited to Ken's birthday party held at a pretty cool restaurant called Chic 39. The place was quite nice and it was a joyful event.

For the first time, I made a video for Ken and Click here for a short video for Ken's birthday party.

As the Central Festival Shopping Mall reopened, we resumed our walking at this mall. Three rounds of walking on five floors equal to 10,000 steps. We have walked twice to three times a week.

I also made a short video clip of the environment. 

My learning has continued. I have completed eight courses of learning various topics. Also, I have learned and practices adding texts to the photos and making video clips. Also, I have improved my skills with Quick Book, Excel, Power Point. I am pretty happy with and grateful for the progress that I have been able to make in learning various topics. These are some of the products I have made.

We still do not know when things will become predictable and allow for planning, but surely it is time to be patient and wait on the Lord. - Jeffrey

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