Sunday, November 17, 2019

Atlanta, Georgia, USA (October/November 2019)

After Denver, we flew to Atlanta, Georgia. Technically, Georgia is our legal address in the U.S. since we have our driver's license registered here. For our criminal records report to be used for our visa application to Thailand, it had to be done here in Georgia. Moreover, SfK Life Corporation is also registered in Georgia, so it was our home coming trip.

As usual, Koo offered to us to stay at his house, the registration address for our driver's license as well as SfK Life Corporation. It is so kind of him and his family to offer their home for us to stay.

We had a dinner at a seafood place with Koo's family. It was fun to use our hands to eat the seafood, wearing gloves and the bib.

I had a lunch meeting with Chairman Nack Paek of Metro City Bank and its holding company. He founded the bank and the holding company has gone public recently through NASDAQ. Now the bank shares can be traded. Only approximately 10% of the shares outstanding are owned by the institutions so the liquidity is limited. Still it is better than only private ownership. I have watched the bank grow rapidly and soundly over the past decade. I am deeply grateful for the excellent performance of the bank. Mr. Hwa Saeng Kim, President also joined us.

I had a gathering with Atlanta-based Kingdom Fellows, but Samuel Kim and Tim Yoon could not make it. So our gathering was only for Koo and Andy, but it was a joyous gathering.

Samuel Kim could not attend the gathering because on that day Samuel Kim's father passed away. He was one of the patriotic heroes in fighting against Japan during its occupancy of Korea. We were blessed to take part in the memorial service held at Samuel's mom's place before the formal viewing service that took place one day later.

I had a pleasant meet-up with Min-Young Jung, who came to participate in conducting a week-long Perspectives class held at New Church of Atlanta. Kristin and I met up with him over dinner which Samuel Kim and his wife hosted at a Japanese Sushi restaurant. It was a great joy to see him unexpectedly.

We also met Pastor Young Chun Cho, Senior Pastor of New Church of Atlanta. He used to serve at Jubilee Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for 10 years, where Pastor Steve Park serves. What was more surprising was that he and I went to the same high school in Mokpo. He was 24 years behind us.Wow...! I enjoyed meeting him.

We worshiped on Sunday at New Church of Atlanta where Pastor Cho pastors. We enjoyed the worship and fellowship at the church.

We had a joyous reunion with Grant Haynes in over 15 years. He served in Mexico when KCPC and LCC were going for summer mission in Tidaa, Oaxaca, Mexico. He still serves in Mexico but spends most of his time training people in Georgia before they are deployed. We will see what the Lord has in mind with our reunion.

We had a meet-up with David Daewon Cho and his wife. We met first in Rwanda while they were exploring the places to serve. Eventually they came to Rwanda, but had to return to Georgia because Mrs. Cho was diagnosed to have a cancer. She is still fighting the disease, but has been using the medicine for parasites living in dogs, which has surprisingly worked effectively. It is inexpensive and effective. What a solution! Apparently, the FDA and medical professionals seem to oppose to the use of the medicine for cancer patients based on the lack of proven record. Well... there could be hidden ultra motive based on their greed. We were offered to stay at their house next time we visit. We visited a farm land that they are considering buying to move to for Mrs. Cho to receive the domestic help from a lady who is living nearby.

I visited the Mexican Consular General's Office to inquire about the visa requirement for the US citizens to live in Mexico. Apparently,.all they care about is financial ability. The consul appeared to be very welcoming to US retirees.

We had to get a new Criminal Record Certificate done from Georgia Bureau of Investigations. It cost us $36 per person, which was far cheaper than the FBI report at more than $200 per person.

We drove to the Lake Lanier, an artificial dam that controls the water flow during heavy rain and provides potable water to many people in Georgia and even neighboring states. It is located close to Suwanee and Buford, which makes it easy to access it. We walked by the shore a bit and had lunch at a boat club. It was refreshing.

Our visit to Georgia was productive and also pleasant. If we have to return to the U.S. for living, Georgia is surely one of the candidate venues as Kris agrees. - Jeffrey

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