Friday, June 14, 2024

Back to the U.S. after 7 Months (March 2024)

We had a wonderful feeling when we returned to the U.S. after the 7-month long overseas trip. We visited in total 14 countries: Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Mexico, Morocco, Spain, and Portugal. Wow! We were grateful that we were kept safe and healthy without a major hiccup during the trip. 

But, our travel was not over yet until we traveled a bit more before we returned home.

The first stop was in Philadelphia, PA. Our friend Ji drove up to EWR to pick us up and had dinner with his family. They took care of our TS Camper while we were traveling. Their daughter Joanne was so cute.  

As we were driving to Atlanta, we had to stay over night on the way. We thoroughly enjoyed foods in the U.S. Yes, they were pricey but tasty.

I had to travel to Atlanta, GA because I had to pick up business checks for SfK Life and meet up with our Kingdom Fellows in Atlanta: Samuel Kim, Andy Sok, and Koomin Chung. They are previous fellow Kingdom workers. 

Samuel Kim was graciously allowing us to stay at his home and we gratefully enjoyed our stay. 

Shortly after we returned home, we had to make a trip to Aurora Colorado because Amanda's family relocated to Colorado from Texas. Our children grew up in Colorado so it was wonderful that Amanda returned to her hometown. We drove our Nissan Murano to give it to Amanda for use.

On the way, we saw sunsets and also a dusty wind that blocked the sun. Driving is getting difficult as we age, but it is still fun to make a road trip. 

As we entered into Denver, the Rocky Mountains greeted us in the distance. I love this open scenery, particularly the snow-capped mountain peaks. We were delighted to see this view again so thankfully.

We met up with Elder Won Hyung Ham and his wife. They were senior Christians while we were worshipping at KCPC in Denver. They are very respectful and honorable people. Myung Sook also joined us for a joyful reunion.

While I was traveling, I still participated in MB Connect training sessions. I think that the group is jellying well and I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen their teamwork and bonding.

I had a reunion with Kelvin Huh who was my colleague while I was working for Premier Bank. He is now a senior vice president of a Korean American bank headquartered in Los Angeles. It was joyous.

Chuck and Eunice Lee graciously allowed us to stay at their beautiful house right by a lake. The view was fantastic. I am so grateful for their generosity and friendship. 

We also met up with Myung Sook Kim and Eunice Lee to catch up. Myung Sook served in Cambodia for a few years before she had to return home because of her health condition. She is preparing to relocate to Korea at least for now.

Ray, Amanda, Eli, and Gabe Smith are a happy family. Ray closed down his Tae Kwon Do studio and they rented out their home. Now they are living in a smaller town home, but Ray can spend more time with the kids. I wish God's blessing and guidance in their endeavour to overcome their challenges and come out strong in the end. 

While we were traveling, Joyce shared some of her family photos, particularly those of Myles. What a joy to see grandchildren grow up. 

Being home is a warm feeling and I think it is because of the home food. Kristin cooked home meals that were so good and delicious. Thank you honey!

Thank God for His guidance. Good to be home. - Jeffrey

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