Sunday, July 19, 2020

4 Months Since We Returned Home (July 18)

It has been a while since I stayed at one place for four months, whether home or elsewhere. It could have been boring or have made me restless. But, I have rather enjoyed it. While being home, I have been busy doing a lot of things.

Update on COVID-19
The COVID-19 persists around the world. The US is surely leading the numbers in all categories: i.e. daily new cases exceeding 70,000 and the total cases and total deaths. The US has clearly failed in responding to the pandemic.

Closely behind the U.S. are Brazil, another failed nation, and India. I keep praying for God's forgiveness and mercy so that this pandemic will soon come under control.

As the Americans are saying, the death rate has been slowing, a comforting sign in the midst. But, the death rate is not declining worldwide.

In the meantime, China is undergoing a series of natural and relational disasters, one after another. Continued rain causing floods, earthquakes, tornados, hails, and swine flu. The Chinese Community Party or CCP top leaders have disappeared from the public scene for the past month or so, and remain silent. Where are they? The world is standing up against the CCP for its cover-up of the COVID-19, its growing concerns for human rights issues, transnational security concerns through private companies like Huawei and TikTok, oppression in Hong Kong, a trade war with the U.S., rising tension with India and in the South China Sea, etc. The list goes on and on.

United Christian Hospital
Because of a missional businessman in this nation, I have been involved in supporting the restoration of a Christian hospital established by American missionaries long time ago. After they were expelled from this country in the middle of 1980's, its once prominent and prestigeious status started declining up until now. Recently, the almumnis, students, faculty members and other supports formed an informal group, called UCH Lovers, stood up to prevent the hospital from falling into the hands of a Muslim investor and further to restore and revitalize the hospital. Recently, they held the groundbreaking ceremony to start the renovation work at the Emergency Room Department.

I pray that they will walk with God for His mercy and guidance in this formidable journey. Along with Chuck and Mike from LCC, I am helping them out with advice and financial support.

Glen Farm, Arusha, Tanzania

Glen Farm opened its second store and has been adding new products. Glen still works at a university as Farm Manager so his wife Ivy is carrying a lot of loads. I pray that the business will become stabilized and profitable enough for Glen to be able to work full time.

Chiang Mai, Thailand
I got to know Freedom Film Production, a Christian ministry started by American missionaries. I visited and met with Nitt, Thai Marketing Director, and Angela, an American volunteer who was actually born and has grown up in Chiang Mai, except for the time to study at a university in the U.S. We are going to work together in producing and editing lecture videos for the SfK Business Management Training to be conducted on-line.

 Kristin and I had a get-together with Missionary Tae Hyong Kim and his family. It was a joyous gathering at The Duke's with delicious foods. Yerin, the little one, was so cute. They are still struggling with their visa situation due to the pandemic and Thailand's strict restrictions on the visa. We may work together in the area of Korea video-making and editing. We will see.

We continue to walk at Central Festival Shopping Mall 2-3 times a week. My right leg still causes numbness and pain while walking so I ended up reducing the number of steps in walking to 7-8,000 from 10,000. Oh well...

We had video calls with both Amanda and Joyce. They and their loved ones seem to be doing well, thanks to God's grace. Amanda and her first baby in her womb are well. Joyce seems to be somewhat concerned about her relationship with Kyle, asking for prayer. I continue to send weekly notes to them, with a sincere prayer for God's powerful intervention to give Joyce a contrite heart and to help Amanda and Ray for spiritual growth to maturity.

Jaesup Choi seems to be going through difficult times with his fight against his cancer. He has not been responding to my messages. I wish him well, but if his life on earth is coming to end, I pray that he will meet God genuinely before he leaves this world.

Thinking of him, I made a video clip for our trip to UK and Ireland in 2016.

Here is the link to watch the video.

SfK Network
I keep holding conference calls with many people. Sometimes 5 calls a day.

I sent out the monthly board update to SfK Life board members, held the monthly board meeting with Joybells America; issues SfK Newsletter, uploaded it to SfK Blog and posted it on Facebook groups. Also, I sent out the trailer for SfK BMT to prospective participants and lecturers. I held the Korean webinar for an introduction and have been recruiting lectures. So far 7 people have confirmed. Praise the Lord!

After a long thought, I ended up canceling my planned trip to Korea due primarily to the lingering uncertainty on re-entry to Thailand. The Thai requirements are pretty heavy and burdensome. Hopefully, I will be able to travel to Korea on the way to the U.S. in November.

I am grateful for God's continued guidance in SfK ministries in several aspects. To Him all the glory! - Jeffrey

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