Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Chic 39 Restaurant, Chiang Mai, Thailand (May 2020)

On May 26, Kristin and I had lunch with Ken and Myrna from South Africa. We go to the same church, CMCC and we live close by. They are the only people with whom we fellowship from CMCC.

The restaurant where we dined was called Chic 39. The way to the restaurant was a little tricky on the winding narrow roads, but when we arrived there, it was like a restaurant on a treehouse. It was truly chic.

Nearby was a bed and breakfast and more buildings were under construction.

The restaurant ambiance was quite enticing and the open-air surroundings were also refreshing.

Of course, the foods were delicious at a reasonable price. I forgot to take photos of other meals, but my spaghetti dish was beautiful and delicious with a shockingly spicy taste at the end. Yikes!

I took a selfie of us before we left.

I think we have found a nice restaurant which we want to visit again. Chick 39! - Jeffrey

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