Sunday, September 15, 2019

Gobustan National Park, Azerbaijan (September 2019)


Gobustan National Park includes hundreds of mud volcanoes, an archaeological museum and hundreds of thousands of paintings and engravings of the ancient times.

Mud Volcanoes
Our visit to Gobustan National Park was an unforgettable experience. Driving on the muddy land with a regular car was a dizzy spectacular 

and walking on the muddy land to see mud volcanoes was close enough to a nightmare. 


What disappointed us most was the reality of Mud Volcanoes. They were only bubbling gas in the muddy water. What we saw in New Zealand was far better and we did not have to make the adventure.

Nonetheless, we made back to our coach safely and Kris had a reason to celebrate the driver who was praying to Allah often while driving.

Gobustan National Park Museum
Gobustan National Park is an archaeological reserve of Azerbaijan with over 600,000 ancient rock engravings and paintings.No wonder it is the national historical landmark of Azerbaijan. The visit to Gosbustan National Park took us back to the stone age. First, the museum...

Then, we took a walk in the park where the all the paintings and engravings are located.

Gobustan National Park will be en unforgettable memory. - Jeffrey

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