Saturday, August 24, 2024

Almaty, Khazakstan (August 2024)

While I was in Bishkek, I made a short visit to Almaty, Kazakhstan. The primary purpose was to meet up with John Kim who is running a couple businesses. He initially was focusing on education, but he also started a health care business. He agreed to work with us through his health care business and our fellowship was a great encouragement to each other.

He made an arrangement to meet a man who is running a college for people from the Central Asia. The fellowship time with him gave me a new opportunity to serve in the region.

I also spent time with a few ladies who have traveled to dozens of countries and settled in Almaty to run a Korean restaurant together. Their story was inspiring and we agreed to follow up for more dialogue. Their passionate commitment was so apparent and I was moved. They were praying for the previous owner of the restaurant, who opened a similar restaurant in not so distant from this location. They were exemplary in being gracious even under challenging circumstances.

 The short 2-day visit renewed the desire and resolve to expand our ministry in the Central Asia. Lord, help us! - Jeffrey

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