Thursday, February 7, 2019

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (January 2019)

After the trip to Yunan Province, China, I traveled to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The primary purpose of the trip was to run the SfK MBA BCT. William Wonmin Son and I had to cover the entire course while Young C. Choi took care of the administrative matters and Chan Jung Kim shared his BAM story in one afternoon session.

A total of 17 people participated in the BCT, but there were many people who came in and out of the class. At the end, only 6 received the Certificate of Completion and 4 the Certificate of Participation. As usual, it is encouraging to fellowship with like-minded people. From this class, we have in principle agreed to minister together with two participants.

This BCT included site visits. We visited dried mango plant and the church where it began. Mr. Sukjoo Choi's sharing was inspiring and represented a true BAM story.

Also, we visited Hesed's palm sugar refining facility and Borisoth's retail store.

We also visited Moi Coffee, a division of Hesed. They roast and sell 1.5 tons of coffee beans a month to local buyers. I spent a good amount of time with Mr. Jung Kwon Park later.

On the way, we visited Drum School and Photo Studio. This couple could not fully attend the BCT but attended as observers.

Separately, I also visited the palm sugar operation of Hesed and a new site where a church is built along with a new factory.

Prior to the Hesed factory, we dropped by a Cambodian house where palm sugar is made traditionally.

Also, I visited the Dump Site where a school was newly opened and where one egg is being served for children through SfK Cambodia in conjunction with One Egg Project. The day we visited happened to be the day of opening the school. Children in bright green shirts looked bright and cheerful. We spent some time with Missionary Hwang, Kyu Chul, discussing how to develop the pilot project into a program.

It was heartbreaking to see the dump site and the houses built on the dump site, let alone children who are growing up in the area.

During the BCT, I also delivered a BAM seminar at the First Methodist Church of Phnom Penh for 4 hours.

After the BCT, I was asked to lead a day-long seminar, titled "God's Calling in Business" for approximately 70 people in conjunction with Christian Learning Circle for Development in Asia (CLCDA). A majority was local pastors who may not have appreciated what they heard, but I also met several missional entrepreneurs: a Pakistani lady who is trying to run a business to help the refugees, a young lady who is running a water business, a young lady who is running a coffee business to help the wives of pastors, a businessman who runs a consulting business, a businessman who runs an agricultural business. I pray that these people will continue to be nurtured more to be used for His Kingdom in a mighty way.

I had a fellowship with Young Chul Choi's family and it was delightful.

It was a tight and grilling schedule, but it was also very fruitful trip. Insol Jung, Young Chul Choi's wife agreed to serve as the Editor of Korean version of SfK Newsletter. Praise the Lord! - Jeffrey

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